Sunday, November 15, 2015

Zendala Dare #116

It is not easy to post  results of our hobby on this blog while we  see and hear about the terrible terroristic attacks in Paris. My thoughts and my heart are in Paris - with all the people who grieve for the victims. Rest in peace!


  1. Ein wunderbares Zendala! Ich bin begeistert!

  2. This is a very warm and intense zendala. I love the contrast between the straight and the curvy tangles. I understand your difficulty drawing following the horrible attacks in Paris. I hope the zendala gave you some peace. I think our zendalas can be offered as a symbol of compassion. Peace and blessings.

  3. I have the same feeling, Simone, and no words to express those feelings properly.
    LOVE your zendala and I thinks it's is a loving tribute.

  4. Wunderschönes Zendala! Die weißen Schattierungen gefallen mir sehr!

  5. What an unusual Zendala. I love the white shadowy glow around the edges. Beautiful

  6. Very pretty! Beautifully shaded and highlighted!

  7. Lovely with the colors. I know what you mean though. Sad times.


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