Thursday, July 23, 2015

It´s a String Thing #102

Thank you for your warm welcome on your blog "It´s a String Thing" dear Adele! I was so glad about your words and encouragement!
You are absolutely right: The weekly challenges are a very good way to get to know new patterns and to practise them - and then to compare with the uncountable versions of this patterns by the several artists! This is amazing for me!
The patterns which we use this week are completely new for me - I like them all, but my favourite is "Frost Flower"
This is my result:


  1. Ein weiteres superschöne Tangle, liebe Simone! Ich glaube so langsam juckt es wieder in den Zeichenfingern und ich muss auch mal wieder ein wenig tanglen.

    Ganz liebe Grüße zu Dir,

  2. Beautiful tile! Love the pink accents.

  3. Wunderschönes Kärtchen! Sehr schöner Kontrast und die Farbakzente runden das Gesamtbild so wundebar ab! Einfach toll!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette


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