Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Frohe Ostern! Happy Easter!

Ich wünsche allen frohe Osterfeiertage und ein schönes Fest mit euren Familien und Freunden!
Hier ist mein ganz spezieller Ostergruß an alle Tangler, welchen ich für die neue DIVA Challenge gestaltet habe unter Verwendung von "FLUX" von Rick und Maria.

I wish you all a very Happy Easter and hope you, your family and your friends are having a good time!
Here is my special Easter Greeting Card to all Tanglers, that I have created as a part of the new DIVA Challenge, using pattern "FLUX" from Rick and Maria.


  1. Liebe Simone, an deinem Bild gefällt mir die Lockerheit. Wenigstens da ist Frühling, wenn ich so aus dem Fenster schaue.... :o)). Es grüßt die Sabrina

  2. Your Flux flows so nicely. Happy Easter to you as well!

  3. Happy Easter to you. Beautiful card you have made!

  4. so pretty, and very spring-ish. It goes well with the message, too. Beautiful and flowing.

  5. A very beautiful card. Thank you for your greeting and happy Easter to you also.

  6. Flux is lovely as a background for your Easter wishes! Hope your Easter will be great too.

  7. Very pretty, Simone. I like how you have made the two version of Flux fit together so well. Happy Easter to you too. Axxx

  8. Happy Easter to you as well...the words look so pretty lying in their bed of flux. Very nice!

  9. Great to see both versions of Flux in your tile, it looks good! Happy Easter to you too.

  10. So coll the way you entertwined the words with the design! Happy Easter to you, too!

  11. Happy Easter to you as well. I like your combination of Flux. It flows very nicely.

  12. Happy Easter to you, too! Your Flux is lovely!

  13. I really like how these two flux look on your tile....they really seem like they are similar...when I saw them on their sit they looked so different, but yours seem to be made for each other. Great work, Simone!

  14. I love your tile and Happy Easter to you as well. The two versions of Flux work together well on your piece. Great work!

  15. Dein Ostergruß ist superschön geworden und auch ich wünsche Dir ein schönes Osterfest im Kreise Deiner Lieben.

    Viele liebe Grüße von Kerstin


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