Thursday, December 29, 2016

Muster Mixer #25 und IAST #177

Guten Morgen, liebe Tangler,
was für ein Luxus, mitten in der Woche morgens zu Hause am Rechner zu sitzen und einen Post zu erstellen...
Gestern  Abend habe ich die Tiles für Anya Lothrops 25.Muster Mixer und für Adele Brunos "It`s a String Thing" Challenge gezeichnet.

Adele Bruno hat für ihre letzte IAST Challenge 2016 einen schönen String mit einer 16 erstellt.
Als Muster hat sie Joki (von Kim Aarts) gewählt, zusammen mit Ahh (Zentangle) und Bublz (Lori Byerly). Da es ein fröhlicher Jahresabschluss werden sollte, habe ich meine Lieblingsfarbe zum Einsatz gebracht. Die passt zum Ahh- Feuerwerk sowieso...
Good morning, dear tanglers,
what a luxury it is: I am sitting at my computer in the morning, in the middle of the week...
Last evening I drew the tiles for Anya Lothrops "Muster Mixer" and for Adele Brunos "IAST".

Adele Bruno created a beautiful 16 string for this year's last IAST challenge.
She challenged us to fill it with Joki (Kim Aarts) together with Ahh (Zentangle)  and Bublz  (Lori Byerly).
As it should be a cheerful finish of 2016 I chose to use my favourite colour. It fits to the Ahh- fireworks, as I think.

IAST#177: Joki, Ahh, Bublz

Für den Muster Mixer sollten auch Joki (Kim Aarts) und Oybay (Antonine Koval) gemixt werden. Beide Muster sind sehr schön und es hat Spaß gemacht, sie zu mixen.
For the "Muster Mixer" we had to mix the patterns "Joki" and "Oybay". Both patterns are very nice and it was fun to mix them:

Muster Mixer #25 : Oybay und Joki

Ich wünsche allen Lesern meines Blogs einen guten Start ins Neue Jahr und ein gutes, gesundes und erfolgreiches 2017!
Ich bedanke mich für die Treue und für die vielen netten Kommentare voller Motivation!
Ich freue mich auf ein Wiedersehen in 2017!


I wish all my blog- readers a very good start into the New Year and a great , healthy and successful 2017!
I would like to thank you all for your loyalty and the lots of nice comments full of motivation.
I am looking forward to meet you again in 2017!

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Inspired by Margaret Bremner: Striping with twists

This morning, when I finished my breakfast, I was checking the news from the Zentangle world and found a blogpost by Margaret Bremner on her fantastic blog "Enthusiastic artist"
I was so thrilled by "Striping with twists" that I could not wait to draw it myself.
Margaret gave a very good explanation how to draw the twists and so I was sure to be sucessful with them, anyway.
In the afternoon I tried some sketches and some variations, just to understand how it works.
It works!!
Then I started to draw on a Zendala tile and this is the result, I must admit: I love it!
Thank you so much, Margaret, for that great inspiration!

Monday, December 26, 2016

Joeys weekly challenge #145 and some other Christmas tangling

After a few days of celebrating Christmas with my family, having lots of cookies, chocolate , traditional German potato salad (perfectly made by my Mum) with sausages and roastbeef and several other delicious dishes I am looking forward to some more holidays for me and my husband to recreate from the year 2016 which is going to be finished this week.
This morning we reflected 2016 as a good year for us, with interesting events, wonderful holiday journeys and lots of good experiences.
One highlight of this year was my journey to the USA where I joined the 23rd CZT seminar in Providence.
All in all 2016 was very busy for me and sometimes a bit too much as my job is stressful sometimes.
Zentangle helped me to cope with that stress and gave me a new direction in my personal life.

After a whole week without tangling I made three tiles today, one "just for fun", one with the new tangle by Austrian Peter Fruehwirt (CZT) "Pezember" and last but not least I completed Joeys weekly tangle challenge #145.
Joey started with a lovely border tangle "Barber Pole". I completed it with Verdigogh:

Thank you very much Joey, for your efforts with your wonderful challenge which enjoyes many tanglers every week!

Joeys tangle challenge #145 : Barber Pole and Verdigogh

"Pezember" by Petre Frühwirt CZT and Icanthis (Original Zentangle)

Shattuck, Brella, Tipple, Zinger

Sunday, December 18, 2016

12thday of 3Zs , DC#297 and Merry Christmas!

Gestern Abend habe ich das letzte Tile für das "12days of 3Zs" Projekt von Zentangle gezeichnet.
Ich kann garnicht sagen, wie sehr ich dieses Projekt genossen habe. Es hat riesigen Spaß gemacht!
Die ersten Tage waren noch ganz "einfach", nur wenige Muster auf einem 3Z Tile. Aber täglich kam ein neues Muster hnzu und am 9.Tag habe ich entschieden, dass es zu viel wird auf dem kleinen Kärtchen, darum habe ich ein Doppel Tile gezeichnet. Auch die Tage 10 und 11 enthalten nur noch eine Auswahl von Mustern.

Yesterday I finished the last tile of the 12days of 3Zs series by Zentangle.
I can`t find enough words to explain how much I loved that project! The first days were "easy", only some tangles on a 3Z tile, but every day a  tew tangle was added and from the 9th day on I decided that it is too much to squeeze all tangles on one tile. That`s why I drew a double tile for day 9.
Days 10, 11 and 12 are selections of only some tangles with the tangle of the latest day.

This is my tile for the 12th day, with Huggins, accompanied by Shattuck, DivaDance, Knightsbridge, Tipple, Poke Leaf  and  a try of Icanthis:

Heute vormittag habe ich alle 12 Tiles zu einem Mosaik zusammengestellt und gerahmt.
Ich habe einen guten Platz in meiner Wohnung dafür gefunden, wo ich nun  immer an die schöne Weihnachtszeit 2016 erinnert werde.

This morning I completed all tiles of the 12days to a mosaic and put it into a frame.
I found a great place in my flat to present it and it is a wonderful memory to the 2016 Christmas season.

Da ich diese Woche auf keinen Fall die DIVA Challenge verpassen wollte, habe ich eine kreative Entscheidung getroffen:
Ich habe meine Weihnachtsplätzchen, die ich in den nächsten Tagen verschenken werde, mit Zentangle Mustern dekoriert. Ich hoffe, Ihr erkennt das als Beitrag zur DC an, auch wenn ich auf den Plätzchen unmöglich schattieren konnte ;-)

As I did not want to miss this week`s DIVA Challenge I had to take a "creative decision". 
I chose as my subject "Give the gift of Zentangle" and decorated some Christmas Cookies from my own bakery with Zentangle patterns. These cakes are little presents for the next days to come.
Hopefully you will accept this as my contribution to the DC, although the shading on the cookies was absolutely impossibe ;-))
DC#297 "Give the Gift of Zentangle"
Am Freitag Abend habe ich erfahren, dass mein Muster "MySwing" auf Linda Farmers Seite "" vorgestellt wurde. Ich war total aufgeregt zu beobachten, wie viele Leute auf meinem Blog waren!! Weltweit! Besonders, weil Linda in sehr netten Worten nicht nur mein Muster, sondern auch meine Heimatstadt Dresden vorgestellt hat. Wie viele Menschen auf der Welt werden wohl um ersten Mal davon gehört haben?? Sogar Dynamo Dresden hat sie erwähnt ...

Friday night I realized, that Linda Farmer has introduced my tangle "MySwing" on her site "". I was VERY excited about this post, espacially as Linda has introduced my home town Dresden as well with so lovely words. I can not explain enough how grateful I am... So many people all over the world have got a little impression of Dresden, which is really a Beauty!

Zum Schluss dieses Beitrags möchte ich all meinen LeEsern ein frohes Weihnachtsfest , Gesundheit und Wohlergehen wünschen. Ich bin sehr glücklich, Teil der Zentangle Gemeinschaft zu sein und liebe die Kommunikation über Blogs, Facebook, Instagram etc.
Seid mir bitte nicht böse, wenn ich in letzter Zeit nicht mehr zum Kommentieren eurer Beiträge gekommen bin. Ich verfolge sehr viele Blogs und immer die DIVA Challenge, aber habe leider nicht mehr die Zeit, jeden Beitrag zu kommentieren.

Last but not least I would like to wish all my readers a beautiful Christmas time, health and wellbeing. I am happy to be a part of Zentangle community and I love the communication with you all on the blogs and Facebook and Instagram...
Sorry, that I missed to comment some contributions during the last weeks - I read and watch very much blogposts but have not had enough time to comment all of them.

Für das Design dieser Karte wurde ich durch einen anderen Tangle Künstler auf Instagram inspiriert.
Es hat mir so gut gefallen, dass ich eine ähnliche Karte erstellt habe. 
For the design of my Christmas Card I have been inspired by another artist at Instagram.
I loved it so much that I created a similar one.

Love, Simone

Thursday, December 15, 2016

12 days of 3zs , days 10 and 11 , IAST #175- drawings

Day ten of the 12 days of 3zs project introduced a new original Zentangle tangle "Drawings". It has been published during the ZenAgain Meeting some weeks ago.
Also Adele Bruno chose the tangle "drawings" for her new IAST challenge #175.

As these weeks are very busy and the 12days challenge takes a lot of time I decided to combine both challenges . I drew a twin tile  of 3Zs :

#10thdayof3Zs : Drawings, Auraknot, PokeLeaf, Molygon, Knightsbridge, Marasu, Tipple, Shattuck, DivaDance, Tripoli // #IAST175

#11thdayof3Zs: Icanthis, Marasu, Shattuck, Knightsbridge, Tipple

Monday, December 12, 2016

12days of 3zs - day 9 : Auraknot

Day nine of the 12days Zentangle project comes with Auraknot.
My first tile I drew with all tangles of days 1 to 9, the second one only with a selection of three.

Too much tangles in one small 3Z tile make it a bit choppy for my opinion.. This is why I tried a second one

Sunday, December 11, 2016

12 days of 3Zs (part two) and Diva Challenge #296- Moowa

Two days ago I posted the first 4 tiles of Zentangles Project "12days of 3Zs" here.
This is the second part with the next 4 tiles.
The series of tiles is a great experience with lots of fun. It is a challenge of 12 days which is posted on the Zentangle-Blog.

The tangles of days 5 to 8 are: Tipple, Molygon, Knightsbridge, Poke Leaf.
The challenge is to tangle black on white 3Z tiles (with one exception: Tipple has to be drawn in brown and coloured with gold) and do add each day the next tangle.

day 5: Tripoli, DivaDance, Shattuck, Marasu and TIPPLE

day 6: Tripoli, DivaDance, Shattuck, Marasu , Tipple and MOLYGON

day 7: Tripoli, DivaDance, Shattuck, Marasu , Tipple, Molygon and KNIGHTSBRIDGE

day 7: Tripoli, DivaDance, Shattuck, Marasu , Tipple, Molygon , Knightsbridge and POKE LEAF

This is a mosaic of the last 4 tiles

And here a mosaic of 6 tiles, which I love so much:

There was not much time left for this week`s DIVA Challenge, but I did not want to miss it because the DIVA chose for this UMT Challenge  the tangle of a German friend Anya Ipsen, who attended the same CZT seminar like I did .
Congratulations, Anya, to your beautiful tangle and to this challenge!!
Moowa is so dynamic and powerful that my first intention was to draw dramatic big waves - so this is what I drew quickly, and with much fun after 8 "serious" tiles without colour:

DC #296 : UMT , MOOWA by Anya Ipsen

Friday, December 9, 2016

The 12 days of 3Z`s by Zentangle (part one)

I know... I am a bit late..

Zentangle has started a series of 12 days of 3Z tiles with especially selected tangles.
I love the idea and I would like to take part.

I think it does not matter that we actually have day seven today?
I drew days one to four today and hopefully come back to the "right" schedule on sunday...

On the first day of Zs we drew only the tangle Tripoli :

Second day we add the Diva Dance:

On the third day Shattuck was the tangle of the day:

And the fourth tangle of the beautiful choice is Marasu:

This are two mosaic of the four tiles :

Monday, November 28, 2016

DIVA Challenge #295: Reticula & Fragments again!

(English text see below)

Da "Retiula & Fragments" eine große Faszination haben, will es die DIVA auch diese Woche noch einmal wissen. Diesmal sollen explizit asymmetrische Fragmente verwendet werden, so dass je nach deren Richtung unterschiedliche Effekte entstehen.

In meinem ersten Tile habe ich quadratische Raster verwendet (R-G1 undR-A1) und auch quadratische Fragmente (Q2, T2) eingesetzt.

Im zweiten Tile habe ich ebenfalls ein quadratisches Raster  (R-G2) gezeichnet, diesmal aber zusätzlich Kreise eingezeichnet und ein Fragment meines eigenen Musters "Namody" verwendet.

(Die Nummern beziehen ich auf die Bezeichnung der  Reticula and Fragments im Buch "Zentangle Primer Vol.1" von Rick Roberts und Maria Thomas)


Due to the fascination of "Reticula & Fragments" the DIVA is challenging us to another try of this technique. This week we shall use asymmetric fragments so that depending of their direction  interesting effects are created.

On my first tile I drew  rectangular grids (R-G1 and R-A1) and filled them with rectangular fragments (Q2,T2).
The second tile is also based on a rectangular grid (R-G2) , but I drew circles and used a fragment of my own tangle "Namody".
(The numbers in brackets refer to the book "Zentangle Primer Vol.1" by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas)

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Another reticula & fragments and some tangles from last week

This is my first try of the new tangles which have been introduced by Rick and Maria on ZenAgain.

I chose Noom as border and Waybop in the center of the tile.

Last week I played around with "reticula and fragments" (see also my last post) and I created another little tile with reticulum No. R-G1 and fragment T2:

This tile I made as a greeting card (I made another version some weeks ago)

And this tile on a coloured surface with Yuma and `Nzeppel Random:

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

DIVA Challenge #294 - Reticula & Fragments

Reticula & Fragments ist eine Zentangle- Spielart, welche von Rick Roberts und Maria Thomas in ihrem Buch "Zentangle Grundkurs Nr.1" veröffentlicht wurde.
Die Idee besteht darin, in einem vorgegebenen Raster (viereckig, dreieckig oder rund) immer die gleichen einfachen Muster (Fragmente) zu zeichnen, wobei die Anordnung der Fragmente variiert werden kann. Dabei entstehen unglaubliche Effekte.

Rick und Maria haben in ihrem Buch einen kleinen Katalog verschiedener Fragmente und Reticula vorgegeben, die sie mit Nummern versehen haben, um sie benennen zu können.
Ich habe mich für das Reticulum Nr, R-H1 (Seite 125 im Buch) entschieden. Es ist spiralförmig, und die Spirale ist in viele kleine Vierecke unterteilt.
Diese habe ich mit dem viereckigen Fragment D4 gefüllt, welches auf Seite 114 zu finden ist.

Ich habe die Fragmente immer in der gleichen Richtung gezeichnet, mit einer einzigen Ausnahme, da habe ich es spiegelverkehrt gezeichnet. Ich denke es ist schnell zu finden;-)
Es ist hochinteressant wie unterschiedlich die Ergebnisse aussehen, je nachdem, in welcher Richtung die Fragmente gezeichnet werden.
Einige lassen sich in mehreren Richtungen drehen, spiegeln, kippen.... Die Vielfalt ist unerschöpflich.

Reticula & Fragments have been published by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas in their book "Zentangle Primer Vol.1"
The idea is that you can draw any possible grid (rectangular, triangular, circle...) and fill it with any possible fragments with the same shapes.
They suggested a variety of several fragments and reticula and created them in a little catalogue with numbers  to mark and identify them.

I decided to use a spiral which is divided into (nearly) rectangular grid. This reticulum is listed on page 125 in the book as number R-H1.
As fragment I chose also the rectangular number D4. It is listed on page 114.

I drew the fragment always in the same direction , with only one exception: one fragment I drew mirrored (does that word exist??). I  think you can find this fragment easily on my tile....
It is very interesting to see how different the results are depending on the direction of the fragments.

Because of the sporal shape of R-H1 I decided to use a Zendala tile.
This is the result:

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

An Opus tile in blue

Today I  finished  an Opus tile (27x27cm) which I started some weeks ago with Brusho watercolours in one corner of the tile.

After some days of respect (I did not have any idea how to start...) I decided to continue the blue colour on the whole tile and begun with my tangle MySwing (in the center).
Then I added some orbs and connected them like Cadent. I have been inspired to do so by Maria Thomas` tiles on the Zentangle Mosaic App.
I filled some of the "Cadents" in Fassett style (left and right) and added lots of swirly lines. I do not know how this patterns are called, but I like them, anyway..

Second stage: MySwing and "CrazyCadent" (I don`t know another name)

first stage: Brusho Watercolour powder (Ultramarin) in one corner of the Opus tile

Monday, November 14, 2016

DIVA Challenge #293 - Keeko

Nach einem Wochenende ohne Zentangle habe ich mich sehr darauf gefreut, heute die aktuelle DIVA Challenge zu zeichnen.
Thema der Woche ist das Original Zentangle Muster "Keeko", welches sehr entspannend zu zeichnen ist.
Ich habe zwei Tiles betangelt, die ich vorher mit Aquarellfarben behandelt habe und das Muster mit den Farben verschmolzen. Ich habe Keeko bisher selten verwendet und bin überrascht über die vielfältigen Möglichkeiten, die das Muster bietet.
After a weekend without Zentangle I have been looking forward to create the new DIVA Challenge today.
She gave us the Original Zentangle Tangle "Keeko" as theme, which is really a very relaxing tangle.

I drew two watercoloured tiles and connected the tangle with the colours.
I did not use Keeko very often in the past and I am surprised about the possibilities to very this tangle. Thank you , dear DIVA, for another interesting challenge!

Friday, November 11, 2016

IAST#170 and a surprise letter from Annette

First, I must admit something: 
This week`s theme of the IAST challenge is "simplicity",  I read it only after finishing my tile.... too late BUT: I used the very simple string...
The two beautiful tangles which I did not use before  : "Oke" by Michele Beauchamp and "Jelly Legs" by Amber Davis
I had a lot of fun with them. Thank you, Adele, and sorry, if you miss the simplicity ;-))

When I came home from my business trip tonight I found a letter from Annette (Lonetta).
She sent me two beautiful travelling tiles to finish and - what a surprise: she sent me  tiles which she drew for her own Tangle Mosaic Challenge  
So I have my own little original Mosaic in a acrylic glass frame where I mixed Annettes and my own tiles. Thank you so much, dear Annette! I am so proud of it!

Dear Annette, thank you also for decorating the letter envelope  with my tangle "My Swing". And thank you so much for adding it in "The Musterquelle" on the Elatorium website
I love "The Musterquelle" so much- Ela and Annette drew every simple pattern by their owns- and so wonderful!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

DIVA Challenge #292 - UMT "EAXY"

First Monday of a month .... time for another UMT challenge. UMT means "use my tangle" and this week we create tiles with EAXY by Nadine Roller CZT
It is a very interesting tangle and this is my first try of it while I am in a hotel room at another business trip

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Sunday Zendala

This Zendala is my  contribution to the weekly challenge "Tanglespielerei" which is part of a German Facebook group.
It is based on a string by Erin Olson , which is known with her blog as "The Bright Owl" .
This is the link to the template of the Zendla string which I used.

Additionally I would like to show you a drawing which I made yesterday for a greeting card on watercolor paper (Arches Grain Satine, 300g) size 13x18cm .
I coloured it with Brusho "Rose  Red" and tangeled with Micron02 and white Gelly Roll.
I must admit: I LOVE that colour!

Friday, November 4, 2016

DIVA Challenge #291- Halloween and DYNAMO!

Diese Woche bat uns die DIVA ein Tile zum Thema Halloween zu gestalten.
Da ist eine schwarze Kachel naheliegend, weißes Fracas (Original Zentangle)- Spinnennetz  und lauter kleine Lannips- Spinnen;  einem neuen Muster der von mir sehr verehrten Ela Rieger.

Wer mich kennt, weiß, dass mein Herz neben Zentangle (und meiner Familie natürlich) besonders für Dynamo Dresden schlägt.
Während ich dieses Tile zeichnete, schossen die Dynamos auswärts ein Tor nach dem anderen und gewannen am Ende ihr Punktspiel mit 3:0.
Was liegt näher, als die Spinnen in gelb zu zeichnen . Es sind genau elf Stück. -und zwar in den richtigen Farben...
Dynamo! You never walk alone!
This week the DIVA challenged us to draw a tile related to Halloween.
It is obvious to take a black tile and to draw a white Fracas (Original Zentangle) Spider web and Little Lannips - spiders. Lannips is a new pattern by Ela Rieger whom I admire so much.

Who knows me, knows also that my heart is beating apart from Zentangle (and of Course my Family) for the best soccer team Dynamo Dresden.
While I drew this tile, my team shot one goal after the other and finally won 3:0 in their away game.
I was so happy that I changed the colour of the Lannips into yellow. They are exactly eleven, and now in the right colours!
Dynamo! You never walk alone!
Fracas (Zentangle) and Lannips (Ela Rieger)

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My very first class as a CZT... what an experience!

Gestern Abend habe ich meinen allerersten Zentangle Kurs als CZT gegeben, als Schnupperkurs und um zu testen, ob ich das wohl kann?!

Eine Freundin und ihre Kolleginnen kamen zu mir und ich war perfekt vorbereitet, immerhin fünf Lehrerinnen... da will man sich ja nicht blamieren ;-))
Ihr könnt euch vorstellen, dass ich zu Beginn etwas aufgeregt war, was sich aber schnell legte, nachdem ich zu Zeichnen begonnen habe und merkte wie ich sie mitnehme auf eine Reise zur wunderbaren Zentangle Methode.

Auch die Damen waren hoch motiviert. Eine von ihnen meinte, sie könne garnicht zeichnen. Zum Schluss konnte sie stolz ihr Werk betrachten und feststellen - ja, sie kann es doch!

Am Ende hatten alle Teilnehmerinnen zwei wunderschöne Tiles gestaltet und waren überrascht, wie unterschiedlich und wie schön jedes einzelne Ergebnis ist. (Seht mal die Mosaiks unten)

Das Feedback war durchweg positiv und obwohl ich nach drei Stunden todmüde und kaputt war, habe ich mich schon darauf gefreut, es mal wieder zu tun.

Alles in Allem ein toller Abend und meiner Erfahrung: Ja, ich kann es !

Danke, Andrea, Heike, Daria, Beate und Steffi! Es war schön mit euch!
Yesterday I gave my very first class as a CZT, with a friend and some friends of her... just as a test how it works and whether I am able to teach the Zentangle Method?!

I have been prepared very well - besides... the ladies were five teachers...
You can imagine that I have been a little bit excited at the beginning, but I realized very soon that I was so motivated to show them my beautiful art and to let them get a part of it.

The ladies were all well motivated and there was one who said: I can`t draw... At least she was proud of the tiles which she created and she realized: She can!

Finally, each participant created two beautiful tiles and they were surprised, how different and how nice each of them is. (see the Mosaics below)

The feedback was very positive and despite I was very tired after the three hours I was happy enough to look forward to do it again...

All in all it was a great evening for ll of us and I got the confidence : Yes, I can!

Thnk you, Andrea, Heike, Daria, Beate and Steffi... it was wonderful with you!

the welcome sheet on my easel, which I used for presentation

The first tile - a classic one

The second tile... I am so proud of you, ladies!