Thursday, February 18, 2016

DIVA Challenge #255 - Ghosts of Tangles Past

This week I am very busy and do not have much time for tangling.
But this week`s task from the DIVA was so interesting that I spent the first half of this night for the challenge. ;-)) Tomorrow I will be a little tired...

I started with Zentangle drawing in January, 2015.
At this time I drew mostly on 15x15cm tiles (I did not realize the standard tile size of 9x9 yet...)
I chose a tile from February, 2015 for the comparison with today.

This is the result.  
Interesting for me that I like both, even if the newer one has some more details and shading  

Februry, 18th, 2016 (today): 

February, 7th, 2015 (one year ago)


  1. Wow, there are some pretty tricky tangles in there for a newbie and you did them so well. Still, there is defiantly a difference in your second one.

  2. Sehr interessanter Vergleich - wobei mir beide Kärtchen sehr gut gefallen. :-)

    Ich lasse Dir einmal ein paar liebe Grüße hier und wünsche Dir ein schönes Wochenende (irgendwie schaffe ich es derzeit nicht so häufig... sorry),

  3. Hallo Simone, mir gefallen beide Kacheln sehr gut. Aber man sieht dennoch eine erstaunliche Entwicklung und das in nur einem Jahr. Man lernt einfach mit der Zeit den Mustern mehr Raum zu geben und mit ihnen zu spielen. Wirklich toll.
    LG Tina

  4. I'm glad you still like the old one! I think you can see that you are more relaxed in your style now.

  5. I was going to say: "your retry has more balls to it," which may sound weird, but it does get the message across - I hope.

  6. Hallo Simone, ich finde beide Kacheln sehr schön. In der zweiten sieht man schon eine sehr deutliche Entwicklung, du gehst mehr ins Detail und spielst mit den Mustern - wunderschön.

  7. I love your revised tile, although the older one is very well done as well. The biggest difference that I can see between the two is the shading, although the newer one definitely shows more confidence in your strokes and a freedom that comes with practice. Nicely done Simone!

  8. I love both of these! (I've always appreciated how you add just a spot of color.) Your hand seems more relaxed in the new tile, with more confidence to add those lovely embellishments!

  9. I'm back! What is the tangle with the Y's called? I know I've seen it, but I can't remember where! Thank you, Simone!

  10. Die Challenge diese Woche finde ich einfach toll! Beide Tiles sind wunderschön, wobei mir gegenwärtiges noch besser gefällt! Es strahlt eine gewisse Leichtigkeit und Verspieltheit aus, die deine Freude beim Tanglen spüren lässt. Einfach wunderbar!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette


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