Wednesday, September 30, 2015

DIVA Challenge #237 Stencil String

This week`s Challenge by guest Blogger Charlotte Carpentier :
"Use a stencil, dye the paper around and tangle in it..." This is what I understood.
Asking my collegue, she brought me a curve stencil (I do not know if this is the right word - we used it at school in mathematics about 35years ago;-)

As I am a natural scientist by profession I thought this would be the right one for me and this challenge.
I dyed it with watercolour. I used a toothbrush. ;-)
Here is the result:

And this was my stencil:

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Zendala Dare #110

This is my tile for this week`s Zenadala Dare Challenge.
Thank you Erin, for that nice Template.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

DIVA Challenge #236 - "something unexpected"

"Tangle on something unexpected"
For this challenge I chose a foto of a beautiful landscape in Tuscany (Italy) .
I`ve been there last year.
The little road which is winding onto the hills is my string.
This was so much fun to draw tis tile - I could not imagine before!
I love this week`s challenge because you all have such fantastic and different ideas !

This was the orginal foto :

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Weekly Challenge #235: "String Theory: Stripes"

This week`s DIVA challenge is to draw stripes across the paper and use as string. 
Simple as that...
I decided to draw undulated stripes and I am quite pleased with the result:

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Zendala Dare #108

This week´s template for the Zendala Dare Challenge seems to be perfect for straight lines.
So I thought immediately that I would use "Paradox", even if I saw that Erin used it already. So I tried some variations. And today just without any colour...
It was a very relaxing evening, thank you Erin!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

It's a String Thing #109

This week Adele had another lovely challenge for the "StringThing".
We should use the patterns "Footlite" "Morf" and "Tour"
Like so often, the tangles are new to me. Whe I saw the string and the tangles I had immediately the idea how to draw the tile.
While I was not very successful with "Morf", I am pleased with "Footlite" and "Tour".
Thank you, Adele, for this suggestions..
This is my contribution to the "String Thing #109":

DIVA Challenge #234 - "CanT"

Hello all together - this is my little jubilee today: My 50th post on this blog "SimTangle".
Since I have started with tangling it became a passion for me and I am so glad to join this community of beautiful, creative people. Thank you all for your friendly and motivating comments - this makes me very happy.

This week the DIVA asked us to use the tangle "CanT"  for her challenge.
Again, I used this tangle first time and played a little bit with it in my sketch book.
Then I had this idea for the challenge tile:

Below I show you a part of my exercises with "CanT" in my sketch book. It is fascinating, how many variations are possible with this tangle.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Muster Mixer #10

Anya Lothrop lädt zum Jubiläums- Muster Mixer! Mein Glückwunsch und vielen Dank für diese tolle Challenge!
Seitdem ich mit dem Zentagle Virus infiziert bin, habe ich keinen Muster Mixer verpasst. Seit acht Monaten freue ich mich auf den neuen Monat und die neue Aufgabe.
Es gibt immer einige Möglichkeiten, die vorgegebenen Muster zu mixen. Einige liegen auf der Hand, andere wiederum muss man sich "erarbeiten". Obwohl man beim Zentangle eigentlich nicht viel denken soll, finde ich es doch spannend, sich erste Gedanken zu machen, wie man das Bild aufbauen will. Meistens mache ich mir dazu ein paar kleine Skizzen und dann geht es los. Und interessanterweise entwickelt sich die Kachel dann doch irgendwie anders als man dachte und es kommen ganz interessante Ergebnisse zustande.
Ganz besonders schön war diesmal, dass ich im Urlaub bin, in einem gemütlichen Häuschen an der Nordseeküste auf blühende Heidelandschaft schaue und das Tangeln so richtig genießen kann.

Die Muster sind diesmal : "FANDANGO" und "DRAGONAIR".
Beide sind neu für mich, aber sicher nicht zum letzten Mal gezeichnet!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Diva Challenge #233 "Zenith"

Welcome back, dear DIVA!
Yes, the guest bloggers did a great job this summer. Thanks to all of them!

This week you asked us to create a tile with the new official pattern by Rick and Maria Thomas - "Zenith".
I have seen this pattern in the Zentangle newsletter and I liked it immediately. But I did not take time to try it up to now.
Finally, today I spent some time with this pattern and played with it a little bit for your challenge.
It was not my intention to draw a Zendala, it just happened! And so I created my very first own Zendala without any template and I must say - I am proud of it!
Thank you for this great experience!