Für diesen Muster Mixer bestand die Aufgabe darin, selbst zwei Muster auszuwählen und diese miteinander zu mixen.
Die berühmte Qual der Wahl.... macht es nur schwerer!!
Kurz vor Monats- (und Jahres-)ende hatte ich Zeit und Lust, mich auf diese Aufgabenstellung einzulassen und auch Ideen, welche Muster ich sehr gern mag und wie man sie miteinander verschmelzen kann.
Ich habe mich entschieden für die Muster
Inapod von Carole Ohl (CZT) und
Steps von Helen Williams
Von Steps habe ich sowohl die ekige (ursprüngliche) als auch eine abgerundete Variante verwendet.
Während des Zeichnens hatte ich noch einige Ideen, was ich hätte anders machen können.
Aber: Es ist wie es ist und es ist gut so.
Das ist mein Leitspruch für 2016. Kampfansage an den Perfektionismus!
Danke, Zentangle, für unser erstes gemeinsames Jahr.
Und euch allen, die diesen Beitrag ansehen, wünsche ich einen guten Rutsch ins Neue Jahr und alles Gute für 2016!
The challenge of this Muster Mixer was to choose two tangles ourselves and mix them.
Not that easy, when you have so much choice!
Just some days before the end of this month (and this year..) I found some time and was in the mood to take this challenge.
I decided to use the patterns
Inapod by Carole Ohl (CZT) and
Steps by Helen Williams.
While tangling I got more and more ideas what to do differently, however:
It is what it is and it is good the way it is!
This is my motto for 2016 - and my declaration of war on perfectionism!
Thank you, Zentangle, for our first year together!
Everyone reading this I wish a Happy New Year!
Sunday, December 27, 2015
Friday, December 18, 2015
DIVA Challenge #248 "The Gift of Zentangle" and ......... MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Mein erster Beitrag auf meinem Blog nach fünf Wochen, in denen ich mich mit Grippe und Lungenentzündung in Bett legen musste und keinerlei Kraft und Lust für kreative Aktivitäten hatte.
Die Vorweihnachtszeit habe ich zu Hause verbracht, auf die schönen Dinge wie Weihnachtsmarkt, Weihnachtsfeier, Theater usw. musste ich dieses Jahr leider verzichten.
Nun befinde ich mich auf dem Weg der Besserung und nutze die Zeit für die Gestaltung von Weihnachtsgrüßen.
This is my first blog post after five weeks. I got sick with an influenca, together with a pneumonia. Most time I lied in my bed and was not able to be creative, anyway.
The weeks before Christmas I stayed at home, without all the wonderful activities like Christmas market, Christmas party, theatre etc.
But now I feel much better and started to create some Christmas greetings.
Zuerst hier mein Geschenk an die Zentangle Familie, in der ich mich seit einem Jahr sehr wohl fühle. Ich wünsche euch allen ein frohes Weihnachtsfest und alles Gute für das Neue Jahr bei bester Gesundheit und mit vielen neuen Ideen für unsere gemeinsame Kunst.
This is my gift to you all - the wonderful Zntangle family - where I have been feeling at home for one year.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I wish you health and many new ideas for our Zentangle art!
Die Rohfassung dieser und einer zweiten Karte habe ich eingscannt, auf Aquarell- Postkarten ausgedruckt und jede einzelne individuell mit einem Rahmen und mit Rot und Silber fertiggestellt. So bekommt jeder meiner lieben Freunde ein Original von mir. Hier zwei Beispiele:
The draft of this and another card I have scanned and printed out on watercolour postcards. Then I finished each of them with red and silver pens.
So each of my friends will get an original Zentangle gift from me.
Here you see two examples:
Und hier die Sammlung. Es hat Spaß gemacht, wieder zu tangeln!!
And this is a foto of the collection. So much fun to tangle again!
Sunday, November 15, 2015
Zendala Dare #116
It is not easy to post results of our hobby on this blog while we see and hear about the terrible terroristic attacks in Paris. My thoughts and my heart are in Paris - with all the people who grieve for the victims. Rest in peace!
Tuesday, November 10, 2015
Eine Frage der Perspektive - A Matter of Perspective
Hello everyone, this post is without a Zentangle tile, but related to one...
Two weeks ago we had DIVA Challenge # 241 with Guest Blogger Paula Bramante which was dealing with Cairns.
I was looking in the Web for Cairns and I was surprised about the variety and beauty of different Cairns - I was fascinated by this issue.
Last Saturday we were on a walk on the "Kahleberg" (905m), and my husband had the idea to build a cairn. We constructed a small arc, and from the right perspective it looks really huge!
It is like real life: a matter of the perspective!!
Hallo alle miteinander, heute mal kein Zentangle, aber doch in dem Zusammenhang:
Wir hatten vor zwei Wochen eine DIVA Challenge 241 von Gast Bloggerin Paula Bramante, bei der es um Steintürme ("Cairns") ging.
Als ich danach googelte, war ich fasziniert, was es da so alles gibt. Und als wir am Sonntag auf dem Kahleberg im Osterzgebirge (905m) waren, hatte mein Mann die Idee, einmal selbst so etwas zu bauen. Es wurde ein kleiner Bogen, aber aus der richtigen Perspektive sieht er doch beeindruckend aus, oder?
Es ist eben, wie immer im Leben, alles eine Frage der Perspektive!
Two weeks ago we had DIVA Challenge # 241 with Guest Blogger Paula Bramante which was dealing with Cairns.
I was looking in the Web for Cairns and I was surprised about the variety and beauty of different Cairns - I was fascinated by this issue.
Last Saturday we were on a walk on the "Kahleberg" (905m), and my husband had the idea to build a cairn. We constructed a small arc, and from the right perspective it looks really huge!
It is like real life: a matter of the perspective!!
Hallo alle miteinander, heute mal kein Zentangle, aber doch in dem Zusammenhang:
Wir hatten vor zwei Wochen eine DIVA Challenge 241 von Gast Bloggerin Paula Bramante, bei der es um Steintürme ("Cairns") ging.
Als ich danach googelte, war ich fasziniert, was es da so alles gibt. Und als wir am Sonntag auf dem Kahleberg im Osterzgebirge (905m) waren, hatte mein Mann die Idee, einmal selbst so etwas zu bauen. Es wurde ein kleiner Bogen, aber aus der richtigen Perspektive sieht er doch beeindruckend aus, oder?
Es ist eben, wie immer im Leben, alles eine Frage der Perspektive!
Monday, November 9, 2015
DIVA Challenge #243 "Just a Tiny Taste"
Another very interesting challenge by the DIVA this week... Just a tiny taste.
I decided to use "Maryhill", white on black, and not to forget my little touch of pink.
AND: Today I decided to use this challenge to tell you my amazing news:
I have signed in CZT seminar #23!!!! And I will share this adventure together with other lovely ladies from Germany!! I am looking forward so much to meet the Zentangle Community and to be a part of them.
I would like to thank you all so much for your lovely and encouraging comments to my tiles. This gave me the confidence and the power to take this decision- I am sure this will have a great impact to my life!
Sometimes I can`t believe that it is true... I am so excited and can`t wait until April!
There is no CZT in my region of Germany yet- I hope to make it a little more popular in Saxony.
Wieder eine sehr interessante Aufgabe von der DIVA... Nur eine winzige Kostprobe..
Ich wollte schon lange etwas mit Maryhill machen. Mit Weiß auf schwarzem Untergrund und mit einem Hauch Pink....
Heute möchte ich euch auch eine für mich sehr wichtige Neuigkeit mitteilen:
Ich habe mich für das CZT Seminar 23 angemeldet!! Ich werde gemeinsam mit weiteren lieben Tanglerinnen aus Deutschland dieses Abenteuer teilen und freue mich riesig darauf!
Bei der Gelegenheit möchte ich mich bei euch allen für die netten und ermutigenden Kommentare zu meinen Posts bedanken. Diese haben mir das Selbstvertrauen gegeben, diesen Schritt zu wagen!
In meiner Gegend gibt es bisher noch keinen einzigen CZT. Ich hoffe, dass ich damit dieses wunderbare Hobby in Sachsen etwas bekannter machen kann.
I decided to use "Maryhill", white on black, and not to forget my little touch of pink.
AND: Today I decided to use this challenge to tell you my amazing news:
I have signed in CZT seminar #23!!!! And I will share this adventure together with other lovely ladies from Germany!! I am looking forward so much to meet the Zentangle Community and to be a part of them.
I would like to thank you all so much for your lovely and encouraging comments to my tiles. This gave me the confidence and the power to take this decision- I am sure this will have a great impact to my life!
Sometimes I can`t believe that it is true... I am so excited and can`t wait until April!
There is no CZT in my region of Germany yet- I hope to make it a little more popular in Saxony.
Wieder eine sehr interessante Aufgabe von der DIVA... Nur eine winzige Kostprobe..
Ich wollte schon lange etwas mit Maryhill machen. Mit Weiß auf schwarzem Untergrund und mit einem Hauch Pink....
Heute möchte ich euch auch eine für mich sehr wichtige Neuigkeit mitteilen:
Ich habe mich für das CZT Seminar 23 angemeldet!! Ich werde gemeinsam mit weiteren lieben Tanglerinnen aus Deutschland dieses Abenteuer teilen und freue mich riesig darauf!
Bei der Gelegenheit möchte ich mich bei euch allen für die netten und ermutigenden Kommentare zu meinen Posts bedanken. Diese haben mir das Selbstvertrauen gegeben, diesen Schritt zu wagen!
In meiner Gegend gibt es bisher noch keinen einzigen CZT. Ich hoffe, dass ich damit dieses wunderbare Hobby in Sachsen etwas bekannter machen kann.
Saturday, November 7, 2015
Zendala Dare #115 -THANKS
Thank you , dear Erin, for another wonderful Zendala template!
This weeks added challenge is to only use tangles that start with the letters THANKS.
I decided for Tulipe , Arukas, Kozy and Shattuck.
This is my result:
This weeks added challenge is to only use tangles that start with the letters THANKS.
I decided for Tulipe , Arukas, Kozy and Shattuck.
This is my result:
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
It´s a String Thing #117 - SAND
Adele Bruno asked us to use her new tangle "Sand" for this week´s challenge.
I love this pattern and I love the string this week!!
I wish Adele a wonderful and happy weekend!!
Monday, November 2, 2015
DIVA Challenge #242 "Gordgeous" - DYNAMO!!
This week`s challenge the DIVA asked us to report about our Halloween day and create a tile using the new official tangle "Gordgeous" by Rick and Maria.
I must admit that I have not had a Halloween party, but that day we had another GORGEOUS party in my home town Dresden where we have a traditional soccer team "Dynamo Dresden".
This team has the best supporters which you can imagine. We are playing in the third league and have average 27.000 supporters each match!
We had a match on saturday with an overwhelming choreography of the supporters (30.000 people had a huge banner over their heads all over the stadium!) , our team won 3:2 and it was a phantastic party.
The colors of Dynamo are yellow and black and when I read the challenge I decided to dedicate this challenge to my team. That´s why the pumpkin in the foreground looks a little like a ball... ;-))
I must admit that I have not had a Halloween party, but that day we had another GORGEOUS party in my home town Dresden where we have a traditional soccer team "Dynamo Dresden".
This team has the best supporters which you can imagine. We are playing in the third league and have average 27.000 supporters each match!
We had a match on saturday with an overwhelming choreography of the supporters (30.000 people had a huge banner over their heads all over the stadium!) , our team won 3:2 and it was a phantastic party.
Friday, October 30, 2015
Black and White with Pink
Ich liebe Pink mit schwarz und weiß. Das sind genau meine Farben.
Hier habe ich mich mal ein bisschen ausgetobt ;-)
I love pink in combination with black and white. This are my colours.
Here are some tiles...
Thursday, October 29, 2015
New Tangle SAND by Adele Bruno
Today Adele Bruno posted her new tangle on her blog "Tickled to Tangle"
I loved it immediately and tried a little sketch tonight:
This is a beautiful tangle! I am sure that I will use it next time.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
DIVA Challenge #241 - Cairns
This week guest Blogger Paula Bramante explained something about cairns on DIVAS weekly challenge and asked us to draw something related.
First I had to look into a dictionary ;-) and then I had a look at Google ;-))
(Oh yes, I admit: Google is my friend...)
I was surprised about the variety and beauty of lots of cairns.
One of the fotos inspired me to this little tile:
The first one I drew with the little ladybird (which is more fun), the second without (more spirituality)
I like them both and I am sure that I will give more attention to cairns now. Thank you for this inspiration, Paula!
First I had to look into a dictionary ;-) and then I had a look at Google ;-))
(Oh yes, I admit: Google is my friend...)
I was surprised about the variety and beauty of lots of cairns.
One of the fotos inspired me to this little tile:
The first one I drew with the little ladybird (which is more fun), the second without (more spirituality)
I like them both and I am sure that I will give more attention to cairns now. Thank you for this inspiration, Paula!
Saturday, October 24, 2015
New to me
Today I studied the post "Tangle Refresher #114" on Linda Farmers blog .
I was immediately stoked by the tangle "IX".
So my exercises of this afternoon are dedicated to this tangle.
I was immediately stoked by the tangle "IX".
So my exercises of this afternoon are dedicated to this tangle.
DIVA Challenge #240 - Nature inspired
This week the DIVA asked us to create a tile inspired by the nature.
We have had a wonderful, sunny autumn day today. I used three maple leafs which I dried this week for this challenge .
First I tangled on the leafs, put them on a sheet of paper and scanned them:
We have had a wonderful, sunny autumn day today. I used three maple leafs which I dried this week for this challenge .
First I tangled on the leafs, put them on a sheet of paper and scanned them:
After that I tangled a little bit around the leaves, more and more, until the paper was filled completely. And then I coloured it with inktense pencils.
What a good experience to realize the beauty of the autumn with its stunning colours!
Sunday, October 18, 2015
lazing on a sunday afternoon...
Heute habe ich einfach mal so losgetangelt, gestartet mit "In A Pod" und dann habe ich die Muster drum herum entstehen lassen.
Ich habe mich ein bisschen inspirieren lassen von den vielen Tiles die ich mir von euch ansehe.
Ich habe mich ein bisschen inspirieren lassen von den vielen Tiles die ich mir von euch ansehe.
Ich wollte gern auch mal wieder etwas meine Derwent Graphik Line Painter einsetzen (Aber kein Pink heute!)
Das Ergebnis gefällt mir ganz gut, aber ich merke, dass meine Tiles immer wieder ähnlich aussehen.
Irgendwie ein bisschen festgefahren..
Today I started tangling without a special target. I started with In A Pod and let the tangles grow around it. I have been inspired by the tiles I see every day on your blogs..
And I wanted to use one of my Derwent Graphic liners to bring a little bit colour in it.
(But no Pink today!!)
I like the result, but I think all my tiles are rather similar style. May be I got stuck a little bit..
Today I started tangling without a special target. I started with In A Pod and let the tangles grow around it. I have been inspired by the tiles I see every day on your blogs..
And I wanted to use one of my Derwent Graphic liners to bring a little bit colour in it.
(But no Pink today!!)
I like the result, but I think all my tiles are rather similar style. May be I got stuck a little bit..
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
DIVA Challenge #239 - Munchin
Hello everybody!
This week I am on a business trip - I took some black and white tiles and some pens with me, so I have the opportunity to draw the DIVA challenge in my hotel room.
MUNCHIN is the tangle of this week. I love this pattern and I tried to tangle my tile even if I do not have all my pencils here. I miss my white pencil to shade something...
But - everything is possible - also a tile without shading!
I tried to highlight some areas instead. I like the result and had much fun with it.
This week I am on a business trip - I took some black and white tiles and some pens with me, so I have the opportunity to draw the DIVA challenge in my hotel room.
MUNCHIN is the tangle of this week. I love this pattern and I tried to tangle my tile even if I do not have all my pencils here. I miss my white pencil to shade something...
But - everything is possible - also a tile without shading!
I tried to highlight some areas instead. I like the result and had much fun with it.
Monday, October 5, 2015
DIVA Challenge #238 "UMT - Tri-bee"
This week`s DIVA Cahllenge is a "UMT" - use my Tangle.
The tangle is called "Tri-bee" and is a new tangle of Beate Winkler (CZT).
As I saw the tangle I immediately had to try it - and I love it...
A beautiful week everybody!
Liebe Beate - es ist ein wunderschönes Muster mit vielen Möglichkeiten, die es noch zu entdecken gibt. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht, es gleich heute auszuprobieren! Und es war für mich sicher nicht das letzte Mal! Danke dafür!
The tangle is called "Tri-bee" and is a new tangle of Beate Winkler (CZT).
As I saw the tangle I immediately had to try it - and I love it...
A beautiful week everybody!
Liebe Beate - es ist ein wunderschönes Muster mit vielen Möglichkeiten, die es noch zu entdecken gibt. Es hat großen Spaß gemacht, es gleich heute auszuprobieren! Und es war für mich sicher nicht das letzte Mal! Danke dafür!
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Muster Mixer #11
Wie immer mit Spannung erwartet: der neue Muster Mixer - die monatliche Challenge von Anya Lothrop.
Und wieder eine interessante Aufgabe..
Zu mixen waren diesmal: Crescent Moon und Facade.
Zwei sehr interessante Muster, die sehr gut zusammen passen. Es hat viel Spaß gemacht, sie zu mixen.
Ich habe meine Kachel diesmal klassisch in schwarz- weiß gestaltet.
The challenge of this month is to mix the tangles "Crescent Moon" and "Facade".
For my opinion these patterns fit very well together.
I loved it to mix them!
This time I drawed my tile in classic black and white.
Und wieder eine interessante Aufgabe..
Zu mixen waren diesmal: Crescent Moon und Facade.
Zwei sehr interessante Muster, die sehr gut zusammen passen. Es hat viel Spaß gemacht, sie zu mixen.
Ich habe meine Kachel diesmal klassisch in schwarz- weiß gestaltet.
For my opinion these patterns fit very well together.
I loved it to mix them!
This time I drawed my tile in classic black and white.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
DIVA Challenge #237 Stencil String
This week`s Challenge by guest Blogger Charlotte Carpentier :
"Use a stencil, dye the paper around and tangle in it..." This is what I understood.
Asking my collegue, she brought me a curve stencil (I do not know if this is the right word - we used it at school in mathematics about 35years ago;-)
As I am a natural scientist by profession I thought this would be the right one for me and this challenge.
I dyed it with watercolour. I used a toothbrush. ;-)
Here is the result:
And this was my stencil:
"Use a stencil, dye the paper around and tangle in it..." This is what I understood.
Asking my collegue, she brought me a curve stencil (I do not know if this is the right word - we used it at school in mathematics about 35years ago;-)
As I am a natural scientist by profession I thought this would be the right one for me and this challenge.
I dyed it with watercolour. I used a toothbrush. ;-)
Here is the result:
And this was my stencil:
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
DIVA Challenge #236 - "something unexpected"
"Tangle on something unexpected"
For this challenge I chose a foto of a beautiful landscape in Tuscany (Italy) .
I`ve been there last year.
The little road which is winding onto the hills is my string.
This was so much fun to draw tis tile - I could not imagine before!
I love this week`s challenge because you all have such fantastic and different ideas !
For this challenge I chose a foto of a beautiful landscape in Tuscany (Italy) .
I`ve been there last year.
The little road which is winding onto the hills is my string.
This was so much fun to draw tis tile - I could not imagine before!
I love this week`s challenge because you all have such fantastic and different ideas !
This was the orginal foto :
Tuesday, September 15, 2015
Weekly Challenge #235: "String Theory: Stripes"
This week`s DIVA challenge is to draw stripes across the paper and use as string.
Simple as that...
I decided to draw undulated stripes and I am quite pleased with the result:
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Zendala Dare #108
This week´s template for the Zendala Dare Challenge seems to be perfect for straight lines.
So I thought immediately that I would use "Paradox", even if I saw that Erin used it already. So I tried some variations. And today just without any colour...
It was a very relaxing evening, thank you Erin!
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
It's a String Thing #109
This week Adele had another lovely challenge for the "StringThing".
We should use the patterns "Footlite" "Morf" and "Tour"
Like so often, the tangles are new to me. Whe I saw the string and the tangles I had immediately the idea how to draw the tile.
While I was not very successful with "Morf", I am pleased with "Footlite" and "Tour".
Thank you, Adele, for this suggestions..
This is my contribution to the "String Thing #109":
We should use the patterns "Footlite" "Morf" and "Tour"
Like so often, the tangles are new to me. Whe I saw the string and the tangles I had immediately the idea how to draw the tile.
While I was not very successful with "Morf", I am pleased with "Footlite" and "Tour".
Thank you, Adele, for this suggestions..
This is my contribution to the "String Thing #109":
DIVA Challenge #234 - "CanT"
Hello all together - this is my little jubilee today: My 50th post on this blog "SimTangle".
Since I have started with tangling it became a passion for me and I am so glad to join this community of beautiful, creative people. Thank you all for your friendly and motivating comments - this makes me very happy.
This week the DIVA asked us to use the tangle "CanT" for her challenge.
Again, I used this tangle first time and played a little bit with it in my sketch book.
Then I had this idea for the challenge tile:
Since I have started with tangling it became a passion for me and I am so glad to join this community of beautiful, creative people. Thank you all for your friendly and motivating comments - this makes me very happy.
This week the DIVA asked us to use the tangle "CanT" for her challenge.
Again, I used this tangle first time and played a little bit with it in my sketch book.
Then I had this idea for the challenge tile:
Below I show you a part of my exercises with "CanT" in my sketch book. It is fascinating, how many variations are possible with this tangle.
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
Muster Mixer #10
Anya Lothrop lädt zum Jubiläums- Muster Mixer! Mein Glückwunsch und vielen Dank für diese tolle Challenge!
Seitdem ich mit dem Zentagle Virus infiziert bin, habe ich keinen Muster Mixer verpasst. Seit acht Monaten freue ich mich auf den neuen Monat und die neue Aufgabe.
Es gibt immer einige Möglichkeiten, die vorgegebenen Muster zu mixen. Einige liegen auf der Hand, andere wiederum muss man sich "erarbeiten". Obwohl man beim Zentangle eigentlich nicht viel denken soll, finde ich es doch spannend, sich erste Gedanken zu machen, wie man das Bild aufbauen will. Meistens mache ich mir dazu ein paar kleine Skizzen und dann geht es los. Und interessanterweise entwickelt sich die Kachel dann doch irgendwie anders als man dachte und es kommen ganz interessante Ergebnisse zustande.
Ganz besonders schön war diesmal, dass ich im Urlaub bin, in einem gemütlichen Häuschen an der Nordseeküste auf blühende Heidelandschaft schaue und das Tangeln so richtig genießen kann.
Die Muster sind diesmal : "FANDANGO" und "DRAGONAIR".
Beide sind neu für mich, aber sicher nicht zum letzten Mal gezeichnet!
Seitdem ich mit dem Zentagle Virus infiziert bin, habe ich keinen Muster Mixer verpasst. Seit acht Monaten freue ich mich auf den neuen Monat und die neue Aufgabe.
Es gibt immer einige Möglichkeiten, die vorgegebenen Muster zu mixen. Einige liegen auf der Hand, andere wiederum muss man sich "erarbeiten". Obwohl man beim Zentangle eigentlich nicht viel denken soll, finde ich es doch spannend, sich erste Gedanken zu machen, wie man das Bild aufbauen will. Meistens mache ich mir dazu ein paar kleine Skizzen und dann geht es los. Und interessanterweise entwickelt sich die Kachel dann doch irgendwie anders als man dachte und es kommen ganz interessante Ergebnisse zustande.
Ganz besonders schön war diesmal, dass ich im Urlaub bin, in einem gemütlichen Häuschen an der Nordseeküste auf blühende Heidelandschaft schaue und das Tangeln so richtig genießen kann.
Die Muster sind diesmal : "FANDANGO" und "DRAGONAIR".
Beide sind neu für mich, aber sicher nicht zum letzten Mal gezeichnet!
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Diva Challenge #233 "Zenith"
Welcome back, dear DIVA!
Yes, the guest bloggers did a great job this summer. Thanks to all of them!
This week you asked us to create a tile with the new official pattern by Rick and Maria Thomas - "Zenith".
I have seen this pattern in the Zentangle newsletter and I liked it immediately. But I did not take time to try it up to now.
Finally, today I spent some time with this pattern and played with it a little bit for your challenge.
It was not my intention to draw a Zendala, it just happened! And so I created my very first own Zendala without any template and I must say - I am proud of it!
Thank you for this great experience!
Yes, the guest bloggers did a great job this summer. Thanks to all of them!
This week you asked us to create a tile with the new official pattern by Rick and Maria Thomas - "Zenith".
I have seen this pattern in the Zentangle newsletter and I liked it immediately. But I did not take time to try it up to now.
Finally, today I spent some time with this pattern and played with it a little bit for your challenge.
It was not my intention to draw a Zendala, it just happened! And so I created my very first own Zendala without any template and I must say - I am proud of it!
Thank you for this great experience!
Saturday, August 29, 2015
Zendala Dare #107
This week I am together with my husband in West Danmark at the North Sea in a cute and cosy little cottage.
It is so lovely here and so relaxing. The heathers are blooming. The weather is fine to sit on the terrace in the sun and to draw.
Today I spent some time to tangle for the Zendala Dare Challenge.
This week´s template reminded me to a flower, so I started my first tile with watercolors and tangeled over the colors.
As I was not so happy with the result (too much color?) I started a second attempt. In this tile I used a coloured pencil instead if graphite for shading.
I like this tile more, what do you think?
This week I am together with my husband in West Danmark at the North Sea in a cute and cosy little cottage.
It is so lovely here and so relaxing. The heathers are blooming. The weather is fine to sit on the terrace in the sun and to draw.
Today I spent some time to tangle for the Zendala Dare Challenge.
This week´s template reminded me to a flower, so I started my first tile with watercolors and tangeled over the colors.
As I was not so happy with the result (too much color?) I started a second attempt. In this tile I used a coloured pencil instead if graphite for shading.
I like this tile more, what do you think?
this is the SECOND tile |
and this is the first one |
Tuesday, August 25, 2015
DIVA Challenge #232 "Audio Meditation 1,2,3"
What an interesting new challenge by guest blogger Holly Atwater!
When reading first time I did not really understand the task, but after listening to the first Audio file it was rather clear.
Then I was a bit afraid, if I would understand all the text in English, but the voice and the articulation was so clear and calm that I was surprised to understand almost all words! (In the first Audio Meditation I had an online dictionary where I had to look two or three times..;-) This was not relaxing...
And then I thought: No mistake at Zentangle, so it doesn´t matter if all is perfect and then came the flow... Thank you, Holly for this interesting experience!
When reading first time I did not really understand the task, but after listening to the first Audio file it was rather clear.
Then I was a bit afraid, if I would understand all the text in English, but the voice and the articulation was so clear and calm that I was surprised to understand almost all words! (In the first Audio Meditation I had an online dictionary where I had to look two or three times..;-) This was not relaxing...
And then I thought: No mistake at Zentangle, so it doesn´t matter if all is perfect and then came the flow... Thank you, Holly for this interesting experience!
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Zendala Dare #106
This is the first time that I attend to the Zendala Dare Challenge.
My very first zendala I draw when Erin was on the DIVA Challenge blog as a guest blogger.
I am glad that I found this site because I like the regularity of the zendala strings - this is soo relaxing!!
Thank you, Erin, for your templates.
This is my result for this week, I am rather happy with it:
Hopefully I will find some time during the next weeks as well.
My very first zendala I draw when Erin was on the DIVA Challenge blog as a guest blogger.
I am glad that I found this site because I like the regularity of the zendala strings - this is soo relaxing!!
Thank you, Erin, for your templates.
This is my result for this week, I am rather happy with it:
Hopefully I will find some time during the next weeks as well.
Friday, August 21, 2015
It´s a String Thing #107
This week Adele Bruno gave us the challenge to tangle the patterns
Asian Fans, Bud aud Budlite.
Again, three new patterns for me to try.
Thank you, Adele, for the lesson how to draw Asian Fans, so I tried it as you suggested. The Budlite and Bud are very nice with a little practice...
The string of this week is very nice as well.
Thank you, Adele!
Asian Fans, Bud aud Budlite.
Again, three new patterns for me to try.
Thank you, Adele, for the lesson how to draw Asian Fans, so I tried it as you suggested. The Budlite and Bud are very nice with a little practice...
The string of this week is very nice as well.
Thank you, Adele!
DIVA Challenge #231 "The Undulating Tangles in C and S minor"
This week the DIVA challenge has been created by guest blogger Sharla Hicks.
First I learned a new English word: I had use the dictionary to find out what "undulating" means. (Now I know it and I hope I won't forget it..)
A very nice challenge ! First I started with a light blue ink liner on dark blue paper, but I am not so glad with the result.
So I tangeled a nearly classic tile and I am much more satisfied with that.
But - as Zentangle does not know mistakes - finally I will show you both ...
Thank you, Sharla, for this interesting Challenge!
First I learned a new English word: I had use the dictionary to find out what "undulating" means. (Now I know it and I hope I won't forget it..)
A very nice challenge ! First I started with a light blue ink liner on dark blue paper, but I am not so glad with the result.
So I tangeled a nearly classic tile and I am much more satisfied with that.
But - as Zentangle does not know mistakes - finally I will show you both ...
Thank you, Sharla, for this interesting Challenge!